GBB District 16 Tournament Bracket Feb. 11, 12, 13, 2021 @ Kenmare
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
GBB District 16 Tournament Bracket, Feb. 11, 12, 13, 2021
Due to the extreme cold weather, Divide County School District will be having a 10:00 am start today, February 8, 2021. Buses will run 1.5 hours later than usual bus pick up time.
about 4 years ago, DCSD
Sat Jan 6, 2021 GBB DC at Parshall JV 4:00, V 5:30. The game will be streamed on Parshall School District #3 Facebook page
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Sat. Feb. 6th, 2021 GBB DC @ Parshall, JV 4:00, V 5:30
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Friday, Feb. 5, 2021 GBB DC v. Minot High JV v. Minot High Freshmen 5:30, V v. Minot High JV 7:00, we have a change in the location of these games. The games will be played at: Jim Hill Middle School, 1000 6th St. Southwest, Minot, ND.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Here's a "We've never seen that before" story for you all! On Friday, while our 3rd & 4th graders were out for their lunch recess, the kids started a game of soccer. Recess had only been going for about 3-4 minutes when one of the kids kicked the ball and, as it does from time to time, the ball went over the fence. It went over the fence, bounced once on the road and then went up into the wheel well of a vehicle driving by on the north side of the playground. The ball stuck there and the vehicle drove away with the ball bouncing in the wheel well! Crazy! The funniest part may have been watching the kids in their snow gear staring in shock as the suburban drove away, unknowingly with their soccer ball! So, if you happen to drive a white suburban type of vehicle and got home with a soccer ball, now you know the rest of the story!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Brown
GBB at Central McLean played in Underwood, Feb. 2021, will be streamed on the NFHS Network.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Tues. Feb. 2, 2021 GBB @ DC, JHGBB DC v. Missouri Ridge 4:30, GBB DC v. Burke County 6:00 Varsity game. BBB DC @ White Shield, JV 4:00 and V 7:00.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
BBB, Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 Tioga @ DC, JH 4:30, JV 5:45, V 7:15 Game will streamed on the NFHS System. We are working with the company to fix the score and clock issues on the system.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
DC GBB @ Central McLean, Monday, Feb. 1, 2021. JV 5:30, V 7:00, the game is being played in Underwood. The following protocols will be in place. Covid protocols for Central McLean: No attendance restrictions. Face coverings for fans are strongly recommended. Face coverings for bench personnel, coaches and players are still required. Limited concessions will be available. Games will be broadcast over the NFHS system.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
The Junior High girls have added a game to their schedule Tuesday, February 2nd at 4:30 PM at Divide County High School.
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Ator
Congratulations to the DCE Economics Everywhere poster contest winners! Thank you to Joy Sparks and the Bank of Tioga for sponsoring the Economics Everywhere lessons and contest. The students' posters will be displayed at the businesses listed until February 15. Stop by and take a look at their work. Grade 1 - Wants vs. Needs: Aynslee Kruger, The Bank of Tioga Grade 2 - Specialization: Hoyt Sorum, Sorum's Grade 3 - Opportunity Costs: Aasta Svangstu, Crafts 4-U Grade 4 - Productive Resources: Hannah Williams, Divide-Burke Abstract Grade 5 - Marketplace: Lily Herrold, Garbel's Flooring & Blinds Grade 6 - Entrepreneurship: Kenley Sundberg, Journal Publishing
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Brown
Take a look at what Bristol Hallgren made for us at DCE! Isn't it awesome?! We absolutely love that she thought to make this for our school and we'll be showing it off in our main office. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Bristol!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Brown
Jan. 30, 2021 DC GBB @ Powers Lake JH Boys Game at 3:30, JH Girls 4:30, JV Girls 5:45, V Girls 7:15 JH boys and girls fans are asked to leave after their games to allow parents of JV and V athletes to attend because of limited capacity in Powers Lakes gym.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Powers Lake Guidelines
Congratulations to our DCE January Students of the Month! Every month we have outstanding nominations and we're so proud of ALL of them! Photo left to right: Vivian Nygaard, Aubrey Mueller, Espen Ratcliffe-Cox
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Brown
We are feeling REALLY special at DCE lately! WHY? Well, for one, we have the best, supportive community and families! Throughout this year, we have been shown so much support and love from local businesses and residents. We just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated time or items to our staff and students!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Brown
thank you
Each year the 3rd graders use a program called “Kicking It Multiplication” to learn their multiplication facts. Each day they have 60 seconds to complete 60 multiplication facts They earn belts along the way after mastering 4 sets of 60 facts. Soren Jacobs earned his yellow belt today after mastering sets A-D. Congratulations Soren!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Ator
Boys Basketball tonight, Thur. Jan. 28, 2021 No JV boys game tonight Tonight it will be JH Boys 5:45, V Boys 7:15. Thanks
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding
Feelings- something all of us feel, but yet struggle to identify! Here is a fun and interactive way to talk with your child about their feelings! What are some things you discovered about your child? Comment below!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Ratcliffe
The feelings game
Monday, Jan. 25th BBB DC @ Alexander the JH game is at 5:00 PM not 5:30 as previously posted and the Varsity game will start around 6:15, thanks.
about 4 years ago, Kent Harding