3rd Grade’s comprehension skill this week is Author’s Purpose. Students played Author’s Purpose Uno as a fun learning tool.
Congratulations to the Divide County Chess Club at their tournament in Minot over the weekend. Payton Mueller placed 1st overall, Tate Haugenoe placed 1st in the K-5 age division, and Ryker Krebsbach placed 2nd in the K-5 age division! Way to Go!!!!
The Divide County FFA Livestock team competed today in Minot for the State FFA CDE contest. The team consisted of Cashlyn Krcklau, Tucker Svangstu, and Maren Burtman. The team received 31st place and Cashlyn received a silver award and Tucker received a bronze award. Congratulations to these 3 individuals.
The Book Fair will be at the high school next week! Come and see us before or after parent-teacher conferences!
The 5th grade class was awarded a grant from Reflex. Reflex is an online math facts fluency program. 5th grader students will begin the Reflex grant today and have access to it for one calendar year. Students will have access over the summer months and into 6th grade. Parents can watch their progress too! Informational letters will go home at Parent/Teacher conferences.
3rd graders learned about the importance of online safety. We discussed rules and the importance of open dialogue between students, teachers and family members about these safety rules.
Spring sports are just around the corner. Check out the activities tab for schedules and results. Go Maroons
Mrs. R’s class is cuddled up with a book during our drop everything and read time!
The 2nd graders wrapped up their math chapter on Graphing & Data Analysis this week. It made perfect sense to celebrate that and St. Patrick’s Day by doing graphing activities with Lucky Charms!
DC choir received 4 out of 4 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ yesterday from both judges @ Region 9 Vocal Contest. Mixed vocal ensemble “Benedictus”, women’s duet “Die Schwestern”, and men’s a cappella ensemble “Ride the Chariot” all received stars as well as high compliments from the judges. A total of 5 out of 7 stars! It was such a great day and I couldn’t be prouder of these kids’ accomplishments. Way to go you guys!! Now on to State!! 👊🏻👊🏻😍😍🎶🎶
The I AM Banners have begun to fill the upstairs hallway. We hope that students will see the positive in each other and themselves. The banners will be on display through parent/teacher conferences.
Kindergarteners growing as readers by reading books from home to the class.
Our class would like to thank Mrs. Hendrickson for teaching use about making good choices about our wants and needs. Junior Achievement rocks!
The Divide County Elementary Geography Bee winner is Isaac Johnson. After winning the school bee, Isaac took an online qualifying test to see if he qualified for the North Dakota State Geographic Bee and we were just notified that he has qualified to participate in the state Bee. The ND State Geo Bee will take place March 29 at Bismarck State College in Bismarck.
Please help us keep our STUDENTS SAFE during drop-off and pick-up times by SLOWING DOWN and following the drop-off and pick-up procedures. Students should use the crosswalks - please do not drop-off students or pick them up from the middle of the road. Thank you!
The 5th and 6th grade students are creating I AM banners. Students were asked to choose one positive word that truthfully describes them. No two students were allowed to use the same word. The banners will be hung in the upstairs hallway to help promote positive mental health. Can you guess which word describes your child?
DCE Families - Please pick up your cookie dough today by 6 p.m. It is located on the elementary playground. You will be missing 1 box - it is the box of prizes that will be given to your student tomorrow. :) Thank you!
Congratulations to Brayden Larson on earning his Yellow Belt in 3rd Grade’s “Kicking It” multiplication program.
The Juniors will be taking the State ACT on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:45AM. Please bring a calculator. This will be at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
A big DC thank you to Job service employees coming yesterday to speak to our high school students. The speakers discussed (among other things) the importance of teenagers experiencing summer jobs, as well as what kinds of those jobs are available to students willing to look for them.